Monday, August 20, 2007

Final Thoughts

This course has been a most rewarding experience. Star Trek went where no man had gone before. This course has taken me to places I have never been before. I went from not knowing about blogs to blogging regularly. I helped create a wiki – an on-line collaborative project with Michael. That project was an excellent review of what I have learned. The most helpful aspect of this course was its hands-on nature. Students learn best by doing, and so do adults. Most aspects of this course were hands-on. The readings were also very supportive of what we were doing. Richardson was very concrete and helpful understanding the hows and whys. Siemens was also helpful to look at things in a different way, though was less practical. Of the tools we have talked about, the first tools I want to try using are podcasts and blogs. I am anxious to share what I have learned with the staff at our school. Thank you Jeff for all of your guidance and thank you classmates for sharing – a large part of the learning. I feel prepared to go back to the classroom this fall and implement what I have learned. Thank you-

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